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In Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM), transmissions and nominations are crucial for scheduling and logistics, ensuring the physical movement of energy commodities such as electricity, natural gas, crude oil, and refined products. These processes involve coordinating with pipelines, power grids, and regulatory bodies to meet contractual obligations while optimizing costs and minimizing risks.1. Transmissions in ETRMDefinition: Transmissions refer to the movement of energy across networks like power grids, natural gas pipelines, and oil transportation systems.Key Aspects:✔ Transmission Rights & Capacity: Traders and schedulers must secure transmission rights to ensure availability on pipelines or power grids.✔ Loss Accounting: Energy losses (e.g., line losses in electricity, gas shrinkage) must be factored into scheduling.✔ Transmission Costs: Charges for using networks, including congestion and imbalance fees.✔ Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to market rules (e.g., FERC in the U.S., ENTSO-E in Europe).✔ Real-time Monitoring: Adjusting for demand shifts, network constraints, and price fluctuations.In power markets, transmission is controlled by Independent System Operators (ISOs) and Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs). In gas markets, pipeline operators manage transportation based on nominations submitted by shippers.2. Nominations in ETRMDefinition: Nominations are requests to transport a specified quantity of energy through a transmission network, submitted by traders, shippers, or utilities to ISOs, pipeline operators, or logistics providers.Types of Nominations:✔ Natural Gas Nominations: Submitted to pipeline operators based on cycles (Timely, Evening, Intraday 1 & 2).✔ Power Nominations: Scheduled in Day-Ahead, Real-Time, and Imbalance markets.✔ Oil & Refined Product Nominations: Scheduled with pipeline operators and storage terminals.Nomination Process:1. Trade Execution: A deal is finalized in the ETRM system.2. Capacity Check: Availability is verified with pipeline/grid operators.3. Submission & Confirmation: The nomination request is sent and matched with counterparties.4. Scheduling & Balancing: Adjustments are made to match supply and demand.5. Settlement & Reporting: Costs, imbalances, and penalties are tracked.3. ETRM System’s Role in Transmissions & NominationsA modern ETRM system automates and optimizes these processes by:✔ Integrating with ISOs, RTOs, and pipeline operators for seamless data exchange.✔ Validating nominations against contracts and capacity constraints.✔ Automating scheduling and balancing to prevent imbalances and penalties.✔ Tracking transmission costs, fees, and losses for accurate financial reporting.✔ Providing real-time monitoring and alerts to optimize logistics.
📊 hashtag#MTM vs. hashtag#PnL: Clearing the Confusion! 🤔 In the world of hashtag#ETRM, the terms Mark-to-Market (hashtag#MTM) and hashtag#ProfitandLoss (hashtag#PnL) often gets mixed up — but they’re not the same! Let’s break down the key differences and why it’s important to understand both. 👇 🔄 Mark-to-Market (hashtag#MTM): hashtag#MTM is real-time valuation of your hashtag#open hashtag#trading hashtag#positions. It shows how much your current trades are worth if they were settled at today’s market price. 🔍 Key Points: hashtag#MTM gives you the current value of your open trades based on market prices. It reflects your unrealized gains or losses — potential profit or loss from open positions that hasn’t been realized yet. Your MTM value fluctuates as market prices change! 📈📉 💡 Example: You bought 1,000 barrels of oil at $60 per barrel, and the current market price is $65. Your MTM value shows an unrealized profit of $5,000 — but this isn’t locked in until you sell! 💰 Profit and Loss (hashtag#PnL): hashtag#PnL tells you about the financial outcome of your trades. It shows how much you’ve earned or lost overall and is divided into two categories: [#] hashtag#RealizedPnL: The profit or loss from closed positions — it’s final and locked in! [#] hashtag#UnrealizedPnL: The hashtag#potential profit or loss from open positions, which changes as market prices move (this is where MTM comes into play!). 💡 Example: If you sell those 1,000 barrels of oil at $65 per barrel, your Realized PnL is $5,000. If you’re still holding the position, that $5,000 remains unrealized — it’s just a potential profit. 🧠 So, What’s the Difference? hashtag#MTM is a real-time valuation of your open trades based on current market prices. It shows you how much your position is worth right now. Whereas, hashtag#PnL tracks how much money you’ve made or lost. hashtag#MTM shows the value of your positions, while hashtag#PnL tells you how profitable those positions have been! 💡
Ever found yourself wondering what the difference is between hashtag#Positions and hashtag#PnL (Profit & Loss) in trading? You’re not alone! Many get confused between these two key concepts, but they play very distinct roles. Let’s break it down! 🔍👇🛢️ hashtag#Positions: Your Market ExposureA hashtag#Position is the amount of an hashtag#asset you hold or owe in the hashtag#market. It shows your current hashtag#exposure in a specific trade:[#] hashtag#LongPosition: You’ve bought an asset expecting its price to hashtag#rise 📈.[#] hashtag#ShortPosition: You’ve sold an asset hoping its price will hashtag#fall 📉.Think of a position as the trade you’ve entered, whether it’s still open or closed. It tells you what you own or owe in the market at any given moment!💵 hashtag#PnL (hashtag#Profit & hashtag#Loss): Your Financial Resulthashtag#PnL shows how much you’ve earned or lost on your trades:[#] hashtag#RealizedPnL: hashtag#Profit or hashtag#loss from trades you’ve closed. The deal is done, and your profit (or loss) is locked in![#] hashtag#UnrealizedPnL: Potential profit or loss from your hashtag#open positions. It changes as the market price fluctuates.While your hashtag#position shows your hashtag#market hashtag#exposure, your hashtag#PnL shows your success! 🎯🔄 Key Difference:hashtag#Position = The amount of an asset you’re holding or selling (your market stance).hashtag#PnL = The profit or loss you’ve made or could make from your positions.💡 Quick hashtag#Example: If you buy 1,000 barrels of oil at $60 per barrel, that’s your long position. If the market price rises to $65, you now have an Unrealized PnL of $5,000. But until you sell it, your PnL remains unrealized — it’s not locked in yet!
catch me if you can: the European gas price slump tightened the spread with JKM, with TTF yesterday settling slightly below the Asian benchmark, for the first time since the start of the year.low storage levels, together with higher European gas demand pushed TTF well-above JKM prices through January, as Europe was desperately looking for flexible LNG cargos. the European premium soared to $1.92/mmbtu at the end of January -its highest level since May 23 and enough to attract an LNG cargo even from Australia -something we haven't seen since 2022.after reaching an almost two-year high last Monday, TTF prices plummeted by more than 15%, driven by the potential softening of EU storage targets, peace talks with Russia and milder weather forecasts for northwest Europe. in addition, weak demand in Asia, especially in China, is also adding to the bearish picture.and while JKM followed the freefall of TTF, it declined less steeply in recent years, meaning that yesterday JKM settled at a slight premium to TTF -for the first time since early Jan25.this does not seem to be a structural change, as Europe will need plenty of LNG this summer to refill its storage sites (including in Ukraine). but it also highlights the volatility of the market, and how quickly things can move...what is your view? how will the TTF-JKM spread move this summer? what do you expect from the peace talks for gas markets? are we entering softer market conditions?
Europe's energy market encompasses various trading mechanisms to accommodate the dynamic needs of participants. These include:
Over-The-Counter (OTC) Trading: Offers direct trades between two parties, allowing for customized contracts outside of formal exchange
Day-Ahead and Intraday Trading: Allows traders to respond to market demands by buying and selling energy for the next day or on the same day.
Real-Time and Short-Term Trading: Enables immediate or near-term transactions to balance supply and demand.
Algorithmic and Automatic Trading: Utilizes algorithms for high-speed, efficient market participation.
Virtual and Asset Trading: Deals with virtual products or physical assets, offering flexibility in strategy.
Imbalance Trading: Compensates for discrepancies between forecasted and actual energy consumption or production.
Spot Market Trading: Involves buying and selling energy for immediate delivery, reflecting real-time market conditions.
EEX (European Energy Exchange): The leading energy exchange in Europe, offering trading in power, natural gas, emission allowances, and coal.
Nord Pool: Specializes in electricity trading and offers day-ahead and intraday markets, primarily in Northern Europe.
ICE Endex: Located in the Netherlands, ICE Endex provides a marketplace for energy derivatives, including natural gas and power futures, serving as an important platform for European energy traders.
APX Group: Now part of EPEX SPOT, APX provides market platforms for day-ahead and intraday electricity trading in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the UK, ensuring efficient market operations in these key regions.
HUPX (Hungarian Power Exchange): The primary electricity trading platform in Hungary, offering day-ahead and intraday market services, and playing a crucial role in the Central Eastern European energy market.
OTE (Czech Electricity and Gas Market Operator): Operates the electricity and gas markets in the Czech Republic, facilitating both day-ahead and intraday trading for these essential commodities.
GME (Gestore dei Mercati Energetici): The Italian energy market operator, managing platforms for electricity, natural gas, and environmental products trading, including day-ahead and intraday electricity markets.
Powernext: Integrated into EEX, Powernext operates natural gas markets and registers financial instruments in France, contributing significantly to the European energy trading landscape.
EXAA (Energy Exchange Austria): Offers trading services for electricity, focusing on the day-ahead market and enhancing the transparency and efficiency of the Austrian energy sector.
BSP SouthPool: The energy exchange for the South East European region, facilitating electricity trading in Slovenia and creating a bridge for cross-border energy flows.
👉 Physical BalancingWhen trading physically, the total position for a realized day (or even hour) from physical sales (-consumption), purchases (+production), and product movements, should net to zero, or to an expected imbalance. Managing to the desired balanced position is crucial, both from an operational standpoint and for daily and month-end PNL calculations.👉 SettlementsPhysical payment cycles, like those transacted under EFET and NAESB agreements, are lumpy, with cash flows occurring in the month after delivery. Final, delivered volumes must rec with operator statements. Having the capability to track best available volumes is essential to getting PNL, credit, and invoices right.👉 FeesPhysical traders incur many types of physical infrastructure fees when leveraging assets. For example, consider pipeline capacity and storage agreements, which feature reservation fees as well as variable fees based on how much product is moved or stored. Configuring fees and processes to manage them can be involved. Physical energy management systems should generate the expected fee expenses.👉 Storage ValuationIt is an arduous but rewarding task to get a system to accurately calculate WACOG, FIFO, or LIFO, all methods for valuing product inventory in a storage facility. Storage valuation accuracy takes time and requires constant data management. The best way to start is usually to model it in a spreadsheet.👉 Market ExposuresWhile exposure from a futures contract is straightforward, market exposure for a physical trade is more complex. For U.S. gas, systems will typically need to deconstruct a physical gas position into underlying, tradable financial exposures. A single MMBtu of Houston Ship Channel gas can be exposed to a list of market prices and products, including balance-of-the-month, NYMEX, Basis, Index, and Physical Premium exposures. In a new business, exposure reporting always makes for an interesting conversation.💡 What Else?Physical markets are complex and a lot of fun to work in. If you have any thoughts to share on challenges for tracking physical commodity trading activities, drop them below!